Edward Lau & Michelle Lau's interview at the 2024 ME String Music Art Exhibition Press Conference (Source: TorontoTV 多倫多電視 - Jul 11, 2024)

String Music Art Exhibition 2024 



Edward Lau (Event Co-Chair) | Michelle Lau (Event Co-Chair)

Matthew Poon (Music Director & Conductor)

Karen Leung (Creative Director)

Sallie Tai (PR Event Manager)

Syliva Chan | Tracy Chan | Anthony Cheng | Dolores Chung | Jenson Ho | Kenny Kwan | Ivy Lam | Braydon Lau | Jasmine Lau | Catherine Wan | Fanny Wong

Samie Lee (Scholarship MC) | Sibbie Ho (Scholarship (MC)

ME & Lau Family Foundation embraces diversity by inclusion. We support people with intellectual disabilities and their family members by funding and organizing large scale musical, visual arts and social events that are accessible to all people.

Our key featuring event, String Music Art Exhibition, provides direct employment and live performing opportunities to people with intellectual disabilities and local professional musicians in a string orchestra setting.

Your support to the String Music Art Exhibition is being used to complete these objectives:

For tickets, please scan the QR Code or "click here". You can also email melaufamily@gmail.com


Thank you Eric Chan, Regional VP of the National Bank for attending the 2024 ME String Music Art Exhibition Press Conference.

National Bank is the Gold Sponsor of the String Music Art Exhibition, 2024.  National Bank proudly invested in our community and supports our event at the heart of our community! 

Press Conference group photo with all sponsors, performers, partners, volunteers and supporters. (Photo taken on July 11, 2024 at the Moon Chinese Fine Dining)

Performers with intellectual disabilities and their family members.

Shirley Tang (Goodhealth Rejuvenation Centre), Lynn Leow (CALIBER Mortgage), Iris Nie (National Bank), Michelle Lau (ME & Lau Family Foundation), Edward Lau (ME & Lau Family Foundation), Eric Chan (National Bank), Bredy Leow (CALIBER Mortgage), Ritch Lau (Markham Ward 2 Councillor)

Special thanks to all sponsorships for supporting the ME & Lau Family Foundation and for attending ME String Music Art Exhibition press conference.

Thank you Markham Ward 2 Councillor Ritch Lau for your support to the ME & Lau Family Foundation.

SPECIAL Sponsors & COMMUNITY Partners


July 11 2024 press conference

Shirley Tang (Goodhealth Rejuvenation Centre), Lynn Leow (CALIBER Mortgage), Iris Nie (National Bank), Michelle Lau (ME & Lau Family Foundation), Edward Lau (ME & Lau Family Foundation), Eric Chan (National Bank), Bredy Leow (CALIBER Mortgage), Ritch Lau (Markham Ward 2 Councillor)

Special thanks to all sponsorships for supporting the ME & Lau Family Foundation and for attending ME String Music Art Exhibition press conference.

Special thanks to CALIBER MORTGAGE INC / Bredy Leow & Lynn Leow for their ongoing sponsorships to the ME & Lau Family Foundation and for attending today's press conference.

Bredy and Lynn's family has been sponsoring the ME & Lau Family Foundation's music shows since 2016.

Press Conference group photo with all sponsors, performers, partners, volunteers and supporters. (Photo taken on July 11, 2024 at the Moon Chinese Fine Dining)

Isabelle and Janet Cheng were guest speakers on behalf of the families with intellectual disabilities.

Event Date & Time | 晚會日期/時間

Saturday August 10th at 5:30 pm | 810日(星期) 傍晚5時半

Address | 地點 :

萬錦市 Flato Markham Theatre, 171 Town Centre Blvd, Markham, ON L3R 8G5

Edward Lau & Michelle Lau's interview at the 2024 ME String Music Art Exhibition Press Conference (Source: TorontoTV 多倫多電視 - Jul 11, 2024)

Music Director Prof. Matthew Poon's interview at the 2024 ME String Music Art Exhibition Press Conference (Source: TorontoTV 多倫多電視 - July 11, 2024)

Prof. Matthew Poon, Music Director of the 2024 String Music Art Exhibition.

Karen Leung (Creative Director of the 2024 ME String Music Art Exhibition.

Ivy Lam (Be Around Studio) and Edward Lau

2024 弦美音樂藝術展 

正式發布會 | 媒體邀請函

Date | 日期 :July 11, 2024 | 2024 7 11 日 (星期四)

Time | 時間 :10 am to 12 pm | 早上10時至中午12時

Address| 地址 :165 York Blvd, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 4A7 

Refreshments | 茶點招待


創辦人劉庭嘉(Edward Lau)希望再次透過音樂、舞蹈及藝術的形式,讓智障人士向大眾展現他們的藝術才華。

Thank you Markham Ward 2 Councillor Ritch Lau for your support to the ME & Lau Family Foundation.

Edward Lau and Michelle Lau of the ME & Lau Family Foundation addressing the media Q&As.

Tracy Chan (President of the Toronto Chinese Orchestra)

Tracy Chan (President of the Toronto Chinese Orchestra) showcase her instrument Ruan | 阮. 

Group photo with all 2024 String Music Art Exhibition partners: Canadian Chinese Orchestra, Creative Children Society, Muzic City, Strings Attached Orchestra, Toronto Chinese Orchestra & the Edmonton Chinese Philharmonic.

Tracy Chan (President of the Toronto Chinese Orchastra), Michelle Lau, Edward Lau, Prof. Matthew Poon (Music Director & Conductor).

Jasmine Lau (Canadian Chinese Orchestra), Sophie Du (Canadian Chinese Orchestra), Michelle Lau, Edward Lau

Jasmine Lau of the Canadian Chinese Orchestra showcasing her instrument  - Guzheng | 古箏 

Thank you Markham Ward 2 Councillor Ritch Lau for your support to the ME & Lau Family Foundation.

Performers with intellectual disabilities and their family members.

Samie Lee (2024 ME String Music Art Exhibition & Press Conference MC)





Prof. Matthew Poon (Music Director & Conductor) | Edward Lau (Event Co-Chair & Producer) | Karen Leung (Creative Director)

Special Thanks

C Member of the Canadian Chinese Orchestra

E Member of the Edmonton Chinese Philharmonica

S Member of the Strings Attached Orchestra

T Member of the Toronto Chinese Orchestra

Alan Ching - President, Edmonton Chinese PhilharmonicaE

Amely Zhou - Director, Canadian Chinese OrchestraC

Bonnie Wasser - Managing Director, Strings Attached Orchestra & Stage managerS

Melany Liu - Assistant stage manager

Mike Liu - Music arrangerT

Sky Yang - Music arrangerT

Tracy Chan - President, Toronto Chinese OrchestraT

Combined Chinese Orchestra

✱✱ Concertmaster

Section leader | 首席 chairs funded by the Canadian Chinese Orchestra

C Member of the Canadian Chinese Orchestra | 


E Member of the Edmonton Chinese Philharmonica | 


S Member of the Strings Attached Orchestra

T Member of the Toronto Chinese Orchestra | 


Matthew Poon

指揮 | ConductorCS

WINDS | 吹管樂器

Lipeng Wu

笛子 | Dizi✱C

Frederick Yiu

笛子 | Dizi

Alan Ching

笛子 | DiziE

Diane Lin

笛子 | Dizi

Linyue Guo

笛子 | DiziT

Sophie Du

笛子 | Dizi

Mike Liu

高音笙 | Soprano Sheng✱T

Annika Chhoa

中音笙 | Alto Sheng

Joshua Zung

嗩吶 | SuonaT

Sky Yang

嗩吶 | SuonaT


Jack Chow

柳琴 | LiuqinT

Bella Huang

琵琶 | Pipa

Joy Shen

琵琶 | Pipa

Lilian Yang

琵琶 | Pipa✱C

Christopher Leung

揚琴 | YangqinE

Markel Yu

揚琴 | YangqinT

Norah Foo

揚琴 | Yangqin

Zhang Di

揚琴 | Yangqin✱C

Debby Wong

中阮 | ZhongruanT

Kimberly Yang

中阮 | Zhongruan

Poyee Lin

中阮 | Zhongruan

Tracy Chan

中阮 | Zhongruan✱T

Lorne MacDonald

大阮 | DaruanT

Lina Cao

古筝 | Guzheng✱CT


Amely Zhou

高胡 | Gaohu✱✱C

Nicole Liang

高胡 | GaohuC

Anna Tan

二胡 | ErhuC

Bo Zhao

二胡 | Erhu

Cristina Ng Cordeiro

二胡 | ErhuC

Francis Lau

二胡 | ErhuC

Gavin Zhang

二胡 | Erhu✱CT

Maria Fong

二胡 | ErhuC

Nanyen Lau

二胡 | ErhuE

Samson Yim

二胡 | ErhuCT

Daisy Wang

二胡 | ErhuC

Huisun Lau

二胡 | ErhuE

Jessica Yang

二胡 | Erhu

Michelle Suen

二胡 | Erhu✱T

Ryan Gu

二胡 | ErhuC

Sunny Yang

二胡 | Erhu

Taron Cheng

二胡 | Erhu

Amy Leung

中胡 | Zhonghu

Simon Yung

中胡 | ZhonghuC

Sophy Li

中胡 | ZhonghuT

Valerie Lo

中胡 | ZhonghuT

Wilfred Ho

中胡 | Zhonghu✱T

Agnes Chan

大提琴 | CelloCT

Chris Petrucelli

大提琴 | CelloS

Danielle Figov

大提琴 | CelloS

Dawn Lai

大提琴 | Cello

Jaimie Chan

大提琴 | Cello✱T

Jacob Dong

大提琴 | CelloE

Joshua Ching

大提琴 | CelloE

Lorrien Huang

大提琴 | CelloC

Malcolm Noble

大提琴 | CelloS

Robert Yu

低音提琴 | Bass


Bobby Ho

打擊 | Percussion✱T

Chloe Ching

打擊 | PercussionE

Jenny Adams

打擊 | PercussionE

Joseph Adams

打擊 | PercussionE

Kenny Kwan

打擊 | Percussion

String Orchestra

✱✱ Concertmaster

Section leader

C Member of the Canadian Chinese Orchestra

E Member of the Edmonton Chinese Philharmonica

S Member of the Strings Attached Orchestra

T Member of the Toronto Chinese Orchestra 

Matthew Poon


Mike Liu


Sky Yang


Andrew Hsu


Christina Zheng


James Liu


Linda Byron


Manojie Gunasekera


Phil Chen


Simon Lau


Zee Chan


Eric Fahn


Faith Lau


Venita Sitahal


Wilfred Ho


Agnes Chan


Bill Wu


Dawn Lai


Jaimie Chan


Robert Yu


Bobby Ho


Joseph Adams


Kenny Kwan



Alex Tsui

Cecilia Chow

Chris Lai

Christina Li

Edmund Shek

Fiona Chiu

Isabelle Cheng

Leonard Chen

Lynn Davidson

Maggie He

Shirley Shao

Rachan Vareevorakul

Yuling Xie

Videography & Photography | 攝像 & 攝影

Anthony Cheng

Fanny Wong

Ryan Cooper

Stage Crew | 舞台工作人員

Eliam Chan

Marc Chong

Marco Wu

Ryan Cooper

JULY 13 2024 orchestra REHEARSHAL

2024 年 7 月 13 日 樂團排演
