
Past events

Photo taken on May 29, 2024 at the York Region Admin Building.  

York Region Accessibility Advisory Committee National AccessAbility Week Celebration

On May 29, 2024, Edward attended York Region Accessibility Advisory Committee's National AccessAbility Week Celebration.

Edward attended as the Chair of the Markham Accessibility Advisory (MAAC) to support MAAC members Satya Arora and Stephanie Mak.

Photo taken on May 26, 2024 at the Markham Unionville Library.  

Markham Accessibility Advisory Committee's National AccessAbility Week Celebration

On May 26, 2024, Michelle and Edward attended the National AccessAbility Week Celebration at the Markham Unionville Library.  This event was hosted by the Markham Accessibility Advisory Committee (MAAC).

Edward Lau is the 2023 Chair of the Markham Accessibility Advisory Committee.  This event was organized by the MAAC's Vice Chair Yoyo Chan.

Community Living Toronto Leaders in Philanthropy Awards Presentation

Michelle and Edward Lau received the 

 CLToronto Jim Turner Memorial Award 

On May 03, 2023, Community Living Toronto (CLTO) presented the Jim Turner Memorial Award for Outstanding Voluntarism to Michelle and Edward Lau at the 2023 CLTO Leaders in Philanthropy Awards Presentation.  

Photo taken on May 30, 2023 at the Harmony Event Centre.  

Edward (left), Michelle (centre) & Marisa (right).

Community Living Oshawa/Clarington (CLOC) 70th Anniversary Drag Extravaganza

On May 31, 2023, Michelle and Edward attended the CLOC's 70th Anniversary Drag  Extravaganza to support CLOC as well to visit  their good friends Marisa Fortune Hall, Director of Engagement at CLOC.

Edward and Marisa were classmates of the Metropolitan University Master of Public Policy and Administration Program.

AC Accessibility Awards Gala

AC Accessibility Awards Celebrates Innovation in Accessibility

Edward and Michelle were pleased to have attended the Abilities Centre's Accessibility Awards Gala as partner to Community Living Toronto retired board member.  The event raised $250k to continue the essential work of breaking down barriers. The event shone a light on creating innovative change in how we live, work & play.

We applaud all the nominees for their efforts in advancing accessibility. The winners have unlocked potential in the areas of employment, education, sport, and technology.

The awards recognized a host of nominees in five categories: the Accessible Employer Award, Community Champion, Accessibility Moment of the Year, the Trailblazer Award and the Jim Flaherty Award for Leadership in Accessibility and Inclusion.

2022-23 Income tax filing clinic for people with low income and family of people with intellectual disabilities

The ME & Lau Family Foundation was a proud sponsor of the 2022-23 Income Tax Filing Clinic for People with Low Income and Family of People with Intellectual Disabilities

Date & Time: Saturday April 15, 2023 | 9 am to 5 pm (Appointment Only)

Location: 5694 Hwy 7 East, Unit 13, Markham, ON L3P 1B4

Our clinic is a participant of Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (CVITP).

Our clinic advisors were Chloe Ho, Ben Ma & Eric Fong.

ME & Lau Family Foundation embraces diversity by inclusion. We support people with intellectual disabilities and their family members by funding and organizing large scale musical, visual arts and social events that are accessible to all people.

Our key featuring event, String Music Art Exhibition, provides direct employment and live performing opportunities to people with intellectual disabilities and local professional musicians in a string orchestra setting.

Your donation to the String Music Art Exhibition is being used to complete these objectives:

ME & Lau Family Foundation 相信多元化文化是通過包容來實現的。 我們通過資助和組織所有人都可以參加的大型音樂、視覺藝術和社交活動來支持智障人士及其家人。




您對 "弦美音樂藝術展" 的捐款將用於完成以下目標:

1. 向(有或沒有智力障礙的)音樂家支付演出費用,

2. 租用表演場地,

3. 設計和促進當地音樂家事業發展的音樂活動,

4. 將具有多樣性、包容性和共同目標的組織聯繫起來,

5. 宣傳支持智障人士的人員、品牌、企業和組織。

2022 ME & Lau Family Foundation Scholarship

2022 ME & Lau Family Foundation獎學金

The ME & Lau Family Foundation Scholarship, which aims to recognize outstanding academic performance and enthusiastic service to the community, especially those who have served students with intellectual disabilities, is now accepting applications from students living in York Region, class 12 or above, and one student will be accepted. Selected to receive a scholarship of $1,000, the award ceremony will be held on the evening of November 13 (Sunday) at the "2022 String Music Art Exhibition" dinner at the Toronto Marriott Markham Hotel in Markham.

Scholarship applicants must meet the following qualifications: 

For inquiries to apply for the scholarship, or for applicants who are not meeting the eligibility criteria due to special circumstances and want to be heard by the committee, please contact: 

Kayla Slimkowich 


Tel: 905-884-9110 Ext.385.

以表揚品學兼優、熱心服務社區,尤其是曾為智障人士服務過學生為宗旨的ME & Lau Family Foundation獎學金,現接受居住於約克區第12班或以上的學生申請,一位同學將被甄選獲得1000元獎學金,頒獎儀式將於11月13日(週日)晚上,於萬錦市Toronto Marriott Markham酒店舉行的“弦美音樂藝術展”(2022 String Music Art Exhibition)晚宴上舉行。






查詢有關申請獎學金,或一些家庭因特殊情況申請條件可能未能符合,但經濟上實際有需要者,可聯絡: Kayla Slimkowich 電郵:



加拿大國家銀行 - 弦美音樂藝術展

Press Conference | 媒體發布會

Date | 日期 :October 27, 2022 | 2022年10月27 日 (星期四)

Time | 時間 :10 am to 12 pm | 早上10時至中午12時

Address| 地址 :15 Allstate Parkway, 6 th floor (HWY 7/HWY 404)

ME Scholarship 2022 Press Conference

Happy to partner with Community Living York South for 4th year for ME & Lau Family Foundation Scholarship.

第四屆「ME & Lau Family Foundation」今天舉行新聞發佈會,現正接受第12班或以上的學生兼約克區居民申請奬學金,截止日期為9月30日。得獎學生將於11月13日的「弦美音樂藝術展」上頒發。

ME Scholarship 2021 Presentation

Congratulation to Aanisha Metha for receiving the 2021 ME & Lau Family Foundation Scholarship.  Thank you MPP Billy Pang for attending our virtual award presentation.

Thank you Billy Pang, MPP for presenting the award to Aanisha!

Masks Donation to Community Living York South From Markham Centre Realty Inc.

Through the support from Markham Ward 2 Councilor, Alan Ho, Markham Centre Realty Inc. donated masks to Community Living York South.  The photo was taken on April 28, 2020.  At that time, Ontario was at the peak of the COVID-19 pandemics and there were no masks readily available.  If there were any, very few was being donated to agencies that serve people with intellectual disabilities.  

Masks Donation to Community Living York South From Welland Developments

Through the support from Markham Ward 2 Councilor, Alan Ho, Welland Developments donated masks to Community Living York South.  The photo was taken on May 27, 2020.  At that time, Ontario was at the peak of the COVID-19 pandemics and there were no masks readily available.  If there were any, very few was being donated to agencies that serve people with intellectual disabilities.  

ME Scholarship 2020 Presentation

Congratulation to Sarah Khan for receiving the 2020 ME & Lau Family Foundation Scholarship.  Thank you MPP Billy Pang for attending our virtual award presentation.

Thank you Billy Pang, MPP for presenting the award to Sarah!

ME Lau Family Foundation funded and organized the String Music & Art Exhibition 2019 at the Angus Glen Golf Club for People with Intellectual Disabilities.  This project was in partnership with Community Living York South and DD Community Connector.  Steven Tam was our Music Director.

Community Living Toronto Leaderships in Philanthropy Award 2019

Edward Lau received the Community Living Toronto Leaderships in Philanthropy Award on April 30, 2019.

Edward was a board member of Community Living Toronto

Community Living York South 65th Anniversary BBQ

Edward & Michelle attended the Community Living York South 65th Anniversary BBQ at the Richmond Green Sports Centre & Park.  

Edward Lau was a board member of Community Living York South in 2019.

Community Rocks 2019

ME Lau Family Foundation was a proud sponsor of Community Rocks 2019 for supporting Community Living Toronto.  This photo was taken at the Queen Elizabeth Theatre (Toronto).

Edward was a board member of Community Living Toronto and was  a member of the Community Rocks 2019 Fundraising Committee.

Community Rocks 2017

ME Lau Family Foundation was a proud sponsor of Community Rocks 2017 for supporting Community Living Toronto.  This photo was taken at the Queen Elizabeth Theatre (Toronto).

Edward was a board member of Community Living Toronto.

ME Lau Family Foundation funded and organized the 2019 Income Tax Filing Clinic for People with Low Income & Families of People with Intellectual Disabilities.  This project was in partnership with Community Living York South and DD Community Connector.  The clinic's advisors were Eric Fong, Ben Ma and Chloe Ho

2019 Community Appreciation Award

ME Lau Family Foundation received the Community Appreciation Award from Markham Ward 2 Councilor, Alan Ho at the Councilor's Annual Community BBQ.

ME Lau Family Foundation funded and organized the 2018 Income Tax Filing Clinic for People with Low Income & Families of People with Intellectual Disabilities.  This project was in partnership with Community Living York South and DD Community Connector.  The clinic's advisors were Eric Fong, Ben Ma and Chloe Ho.

2018 Rainbow Art Exhibition

ME Lau Family Foundation was a proud sponsor of the Paint-A-Smile 2018 Rainbow Art Exhibition.  

This photo was taken on September 29, 2018 at the Richmond Hill Centre for Performing Arts.

ME Lau Family Foundation funded and organized the String Music & Art Exhibition 2017 at the Varley Arts Gallery for People with Intellectual Disabilities.  This project was in partnership with Community Living York South and DD Community Connector.  Steven Tam was our Music Director.  

This photo was taken by snapd Markham at the Markham Varley Arts Gallery on November 11, 2017.

2017-18 Community Living York South Community Partner Award

ME Lau Family Foundation received the 2017-18 Community Living York South (CLYS) Community Partner Award at the 2018 CLYS AGM.  

Events that ME & CYLS partnered includes: (1) String Music Art Exhibition, (2) ME & Lau Family Foundation Scholarship & (3) Income Tax Filing Clinic for People with Low Income and Families of People with Intellectual Disabilities. 

Paint-A-Smile Rainbow Arts Exhibition 2017

ME Lau Family Foundation was a proud sponsor of the Paint-A-Smile 2018 Rainbow Art Exhibition.  The photo was taken on September 23, 2017 at the Markham Public Library at Markham Village.

ME Lau Family Foundation funded the Big Things Small Beginnings Concert in 2017 at the City Play House for People with Intellectual Disabilities.  This concert was organized by DD Community Connector.  Karen Leung was our Music Director.

Community Living Toronto Leaderships in Philanthropy Award 2017

Edward Lau received the 2017 Community Living Toronto Leaderships in Philanthropy Award at the Community Living Toronto Donor Recognition Celebration at the Queen Elizabeth Theatre (Toronto).

2016 DD Community Connector Fundraising Concert for Musicians with Intellectual Disabilities

ME Lau Family Foundation funded the 2016 DD Community Connector Fundraising Concert for Musicians with Intellectual Disabilities at the Toronto Performance of Art Centre.  This concert was organized by DD Community Connector.  Karen Leung was our Music Director.

2015 CN Tower Climb For United Way

ME Lau Family Foundation funded Team DD Community Connector at the 2015 CN Tower Climb For The United Way.  This photo was taken at the starting of the climbed.

This event was organized by Karen Leung, Chloe Ho, Michelle Lau and Edward Lau.