To address and prevent barriers faced by individuals with an intellectual disability by providing programs that foster inclusion and support the physical, mental and emotional well-being of such individuals.
To relieve conditions associated with disability by providing individuals with an intellectual disability and their families support in order to access information on services, programs, and resources.
To advance education by providing scholarships to be used for post-secondary education to students who demonstrate an interest in helping individuals with intellectual disabilities.
To receive and maintain a fund or funds and to apply all or part of the principal and income therefrom, from time to time, to charitable organizations that provide services to people with developmental or intellectual disabilities that are also registered charities under the Income Tax Act (Canada).
DonatE Today!
Your generous support is helping to create a a society where everyone belongs and is valued - thank you!
Your donation will help the ME & Lau Family Foundation to fund and organize the following fundraisers:
(1) String Music Art Exhibition,
(2) ME & Lau Family Foundation Scholarship, &
Proceeds from our fundraisers and funds donated by members of the ME & Lau Family Foundation will go toward a charitable organizations that Ed and Michelle Lau resonate with and wholeheartedly support. These charitable organizations should be service providers for people with developmental or intellectual disabilities and are also registered charities under the Income Tax Act (Canada).
Charitable and non-profit organizations that Ed and Michelle support or have supported in the past include, Community Living Toronto, Community Living York South and the APTUS Treatment Centre.
Please contact for more info.